PCOS is mainly a disease leading to ovulatory dysfunction, making it difficult for a female to understand naturally. It may affect 10-15% of women in their procreative years. It is seen very regularly in obese or overweight women. The term ‘polycystic’ (PCOS) does not mean there are many sores but there are multiple follicles which are minute formations that include eggs. They have more eggs than normal women. The strange hormonal environment causes disturbance that does not let a single egg grow and develop in time to ovulate. The follicles may start to grow and make up fluid but ovulation does not happen. In a few cases, some follicles remain cysts in the ovaries.
Symptoms Of PCOS
The rate of PCOS is increasing among young women and is one
of the largest donors to infertility problems. About 30% of woman infertility
cases seen today are due to PCOS. The majority of those cases fall under the
age group of 20-30 years. So, it becomes important for a woman to be aware of
their bodies and the PCOS symptoms they exhibit.
Irregular menses insufficient flow of menstrual blood, the extreme growth of facial hair, weight gain that is not responsive to
conventional measures, the presence of unusual levels of acne or pimples, etc.
are some of the symptoms of PCOS. While it is common for all women to give
androgen-testosterone (male sex hormone) at minimum levels, those with
polycystic ovaries tend to produce unnatural amounts of testosterone, by making
the above-mentioned PCOS symptoms.
Causes Of PCOS
While the specific cause of PCOS is far, doctors think that
hormonal irregularities and genetics play a role. Women are more likely to
develop PCOS if their mother or sister also has the disease. PCOS may also
manifest because of the growing lifestyle trends like late working hours, bad
food practices, lack of sleep and exercise, etc. appearing in many medical
conditions such as obesity, which in turn cause hormonal inequality.
Treatment For PCOS
PCOS is not a disease but only a disease that can be managed
once the treatment starts. Recognizing the symptoms of PCOS early and running
on promoting insulin check through diet and exercise package help prevent
complications of symptoms of PCOS including infertility and other complications
during pregnancy. To reduce PCOS, single treatment at the proper time can help
manage the condition; however if left untreated, it may cause severe health
problems like diabetes or heart problems.
Differences in lifestyle such as good food habits with enough exercise would not only help prevent PCOS but also other health problems. Adolescent girls are advised to cease starchy food, complex carbohydrates, and fat. As little as 5% weight loss, if achieved by healthy eating habits and exercise can change the problem of anovulation (no ovulation) to natural timely ovulation.
On the healing front, the treatment for PCOS involves taking
hormonal irregularity under control and ensuring normal menses. When fertility
is desired, the female who does not ovulate immediately needs ovarian
stimulation for the same. This is achieved through medication, to induce
physiological hormone results in the body. It is critical to bring one’s weight
under control through routine physical activity if one is obese.
Dr. Alka IVF is a specialized clinic for IVF Hospital in Udaipur, Rajasthan, or PCOD treatment in Udaipur our team of experts includes PCOS experts, gynecologists, reproductive and infertility specialists. For more details visit our website.