If you see a doctor because you're having trouble making your partner pregnant, he or she will try to manage the underlying cause. Even if your doctor thinks low sperm count is the problem, it is justified that your partner is assessed to rule out potential causative factors and determine if assisted reproductive techniques may be required.
Common physical analysis and medical history
This involves an analysis of your genitals and asking questions about any acquired conditions, chronic health problems, illnesses, injuries, or medicines that could affect fertility. Your doctor might also ask about your sexual practices and your sexual development.
Semen study
A low sperm count was diagnosed as part of a sperm analysis test. Sperm count is generally determined by checking semen under a lens to see how many sperm appear in squares on a grid pattern. In some cases, a computer might be used to include sperm count.
Semen units can be obtained in a couple of various ways. You can provide a sample by masturbating and calling it into a special receptacle at the doctor's office. Because of spiritual or cultural beliefs, some men prefer an alternative method of semen collection. In such cases, semen can be collected by using a special condom during communication.
New sperm are produced regularly in the testicles and take about 42 to 76 days to mature. So, a popular semen analysis shows your situation over the past three months. Any positive changes you've made won't show up for several months.
One of the most usual causes of low sperm count is incomplete or improper collection of a sperm example. Sperm counts also frequently vary. Because of these factors, most doctors will check two or more semen samples overtime to ensure compatibility between samples.
To ensure accuracy in a collection, your doctor will:
Ask you to create sure all of your semen does it into the collection cup or collection condom when you call
Have you avoid ejaculating for two to seven days before collecting a sample
Collect a second sample at least two weeks after the first
Have you avoided the use of oils because these products can affect sperm motility?
Semen analysis results
Normal sperm quantities range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You are considered to have a low sperm count if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate.
Your chance of getting your partner pregnant drops with decreasing sperm counts. Some men have no sperm in their semen at all. This is known as azoospermia
There are many factors included in reproduction, and the number of sperm in your semen is only one. Any man with low sperm counts successfully father children. Moreover, some men with normal sperm counts are unable to father children. Even if you have just sperm, other factors are important to do a pregnancy, including normal sperm movement (motility).
Other tests
Depending on the original findings, your doctor might suggest additional tests to look for the cause of your low sperm count and other possible causes of male infertility. These can involve:
Scrotal ultrasound. This test uses high-frequency vibration twists to look at the testicles and supporting structures.
Hormone testing. Your doctor might recommend a blood test to discover the level of hormones produced by the pituitary organ and testicles, which play a key role in sexual development and sperm production.
Post-ejaculation urinalysis. Sperm in your urine can mean your sperm are traveling slow into the bladder rather than out your penis during ejaculation (retrograde ejaculation).
Genetic tests. When sperm density is extremely low, genetic causes could be involved. A blood test can reveal whether there are subtle changes in the Y chromosome — signs of a genetic abnormality. Genetic testing might also be ordered to diagnose many congenital or inherited syndromes.
Testicular biopsy. This test involves withdrawing samples from the testicle with a pin. The results of the testicular biopsy can tell if the sperm result is normal. If it is, your problem is likely caused by a blockage or a different problem with a sperm transplant. But, this test is typically only used in some situations and is not usually used to diagnose the cause of infertility.
Anti-sperm antibody tests. These tests, which are used to check for immune cells (antibodies) that hit sperm and affect their ability to function, are not common.
Specialized sperm use tests. Several tests can be used to check how well your sperm last after ejaculation, how well they can penetrate an egg, and whether there's any problem attaching to the egg. These tests are rarely performed and often do not significantly change treatment advice.
Transrectal ultrasound. A small lubricated wand is inserted into your rectum to check your prostate and check for blockages of the tubes that carry semen (ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicles).